Hundreds of individuals and dozens of organizations all agree, renovating and expanding the Jones Library is the right choice, right now. The following people and organizations have pledged and/or donated to the Jones Library Capital Campaign.
You're in good company. Use the form below to add your name to this list with your pledge of any amount.
Updated at least monthly, this listing is current as of February 10, 2025. Every effort has been made to ensure that this list is accurate; we apologize for any errors. We appreciate your notifying us of any by writing to
Pledge TodayDouglas Adler
David Ahlfeld & Victoria Dickson
Glenn Allan
Farah Ameen & Jonathan McCabe
Daniel & Denise Anderson
Katherine & Chris Appy
Jenny Arch & Ben Donaldson
John & Elizabeth Armstrong
Catalina Arrubla & Camilo Rojas
Cynthia & Richard Asebrook
Sarah & Scott Auerbach
Jill & George Avrunin
Jane Babcock
Judith Bailey
Clay & Joanna Ballantine
Jeanne & Harden Ballantine
Sarah Barr
Carla Becker
Susan & Andrew Bellak
Emily Belt
Peter & Ellen Berek
Elayne & Emery Berger
Iris & David Berkman
Richard Berman & Elizabeth Aries
Julie Bermant & David Murray
Clare & Glen Bertrand
Stuart Bicknell & Nan Carey
Patricia Blauner & Peter Blier
Marilyn Hecht Blaustein & Jeffrey Blaustein
Carol Bloom
Matthew Blumenfeld & Claudia Canale-Parola
Maury Bohan
Gwendolyn Boisseau
Dennis Bowen & Elizabeth Pyle
Joye Bowman
Chris & Roxanne Boyd
Lia Brassord
Marilyn Brayne & Tony Niedbala
Christine Brestrup & Frank Glazer
Willis & Nathalie Bridegam
Elaine Brighty & David Cox
Dennis Bromery & Linda Marston
Robert Brooks
Barbara Brown & Mark McCandlish
Cynthia & Jerry Brubaker
Margaret Bruzelius & Peter Leight
Jane Bryden & Christopher Krueger
Michael Bulman & Ronnie Janoff-Bulman
Laura Burnham & Andy Churchill
Anne Burton
Anthony & Catharine Butterfield
Barton Byg
Frederick Byron
Nicola Camerlenghi & Jessica Maier
Nancy Campbell & Carl Caivano
Allan Carpenter
Carla Carpenter & Christopher Prather
Hilary & Jonathan Caws-Elwitt
Regina Chaplain
Jaymie Chernoff
Elizabeth & Roland Chilton
Beata & Maciej Ciesielski
Meri Clark & Sanjay Arwade
Jeffrey Cobb
Rhonda Cobham-Sander
Nancy Coiner & Michael Ponsor
Louise Colligan
James & Eugenia Collins
Laurie Coursin
Nicola Courtright & David Levine
Frank & Betty Couvares
Joan & Robert Cramer
Kerry & Alfred Crosby
Robert Crowner & Mangala Jagadeesh
Merrilyn Cushing
Allen & Judith Davis
Josepth & Susan Dayall
Jonathan Dean
Lisa DeGrace & Stephen MIller
Corinne Demas
Peter & Becky Demling
Arlyn Diamond
Ted & Robin Diamond
Victoria Dickson
Sally Dillon
Elaine & John Donoghue
Emily Dore
Lea Douville & Richard Beaudoin
Lisa Downing
Laura Draucker & Marcus Smith
Nancy Eddy
Lee Edwards
Eve Eisman
Joseph Elkinton & Kathleen Conlan
James Elliott & Linda Roghaar
Michael Elliott
Tamson & Laurence Ely
Khama Ennis
Kelly Erwin & Warren Graham
Jonathan & Margaret Evans
Kent & Scottie Faerber
Patricia Farrington & James Ellis
Lisa Feldman
Robert Feldman & Katherine Vorwerk
John Fenske
Susan Fields
Lawrence & Deborah Fine
Barbara Finlayson
Rebecca Fishaut
Evan Fotos
Jennifer & Adam Fox
Judith Frank & Elizabeth Garland
Katharine Fretwell & Robert Saul
Yuri Friman
Denise & Douglas Gagnon
Martin Garnar & Mark Paquette
Walter & Joanne George
Jane Giat
Michael Giles
Thomas Giles
Samuel Gladstone & Joyce Duncan
Judith Glaser
Eddy Goldberg
Christine & Peter Gray-Mullen
Marcia Greeley
Peter Greenwald & Phyllis Bermingham
Lynn Griesemer & Bryan Harvey
Shirley L. Griffen
MaryAnn Grim
John & Elizabeth Gummere
Bruce & Susan Gwillam
Jeannine Haendiges
Hamilton Goffredo Family
Mandi Jo & David Hanneke
Catherine Harraghy
Betsy Hartmann & Jim Boyce
Aaron & Robin Hayden
Julie Candler Hayes
Marian Hazzard
Carol Heim
Maria & Steve Heim
Sophia Hermann & Owen Gwilliam
Anne Herrington & Christine Plette
Marsha Hertel
Ray Hildonen
Mary & Christopher Hoch
Keith Hollingworth
Timothy & Anna Hope
John & Heather Hornik
Gary & Mary Hough
Frieda Howards
Lilian Hsu
Pat Hursh
Neil Immerman & Susan Landau
Dorothy Irwin
Bonnie Isman & Gary Burnham
Devorah Jacobson & Margaret Mastrangelo
Jack & Bobbie Jemsek
Nancy Jenal
Jeeyon Jeong
Carol Johnson & Russell Miller
Douglas & Elizabeth Johnson
Margaret Ann Kahn
Craig Kannel & Becky Mazur
Molly Keegan
Annabelle Keil
George Kermensky
Janet Klausner-Wise & Jeremy Wise
Randall Knoper & Janis Greve
Wendy & Walt Kohler
Anne Krauss & Dennis Rosen
Connie Kruger & Susan Tracy
John & Jean Kuhn
John & Cindy Kuusisto
Laetitia La Follette & George Ryan
Sarah & Niels LaCour
Kathy & Guy Lanza
Nat & Liz Larson
Gary Leaf
Edith Lebowitz
Alex & Jeff Lefebvre
Janice & Robert Lefebvre
James Leheny
Myra Lenburg
Vikki Lenhart
Deborah & William Leonard
Adrienne Levine & Peter Wan
Alfred & Ruth Levine
Sura Levine
Kalsang Lhamo
Sandra Lillydahl
Judy Lincoln
Ellen Lindsey
David & Jane Lithgow
John Lithgow & Mary Yaeger
Joshua Lombard & Alice Briggs
John & Cathryn Lombardi
Polly & Charles Longsworth
Minh Ly
Robert & Karen Mack
Donald & Sara Maddox
Carolyn & Carl Mailler
Lewis & Caden Mainzer
Sandy & Jane Mairs
Nina Mankin
Janet Marquardt
Madelaine Marquez
Sarah & Douglas Marshall
Kevin Masciadrelli
Leslie Matlen & Frederick Bloom
Ernest May & Mary Milkey
Patrick & Lois McCabe
Donna McCallum
Cammie McGovern & Michael Floquet
Katharine McGovern
Ann McLaughlin
Richard McMahon
Ann McNeal
Sandy & Becky McNiven
Frank Meyers
Susanne Michel
Joan Milam
Julie Miles
Maureen Millea & Erik Zimmerman
David Miller
James Miller
Lenore Miller
Martin & Brenda Miller
Susan Miller
Shalini Bahl-Milne & George Milne
Lisa & Robert Moore
Moran Wehrli Family
Elizabeth Morse
Richard & Alice Morse
Susan Mosher
Marcelia Muehlke & Brian Yellen
David & Betsy Mullins
Ann Murphy
Timothy & Cathleen Neale
Judith Nissenbaum
Rebecca Nordstrom
Len & Rose Norton
Judith Nydon
Thomas O'Brien
Barry & Kristin O'Connell
Margot & Stephen O'Connor
Paul & Miriam Oppenheimer
Anita Page
Max Page & Eve Weinbaum
Robert & Dorothy Pam
Patrice Pare
Mark & Sandra Parent
Daniel Parker
Barbara Partee
Claudia & Andrew Pazmany
Bruce & Valerie Penniman
Lisa Perlbinder & Tom Porter
Dale Peterson
Polly Peterson & Jonathan Solins
Susan Phillips
Lisa Pickron
Joel & Gretchen Plotkin
Caryl Rose Pofcher
Judith Pool
Estate of Jeanne & Robert Potash
Janet Potash
Stanley Rabinowitz
Bob Rakoff & Helaine Selin
Lisa Raskin & David Sofield
Nancy & David Ratner
Melinda Reid & Charles Tebbetts
James Richardson
Charles Rizzuto
Michael Robbins
Barry Roberts
Timothy Rohan
Chris Rohmann
Robert Romer
Patricia Romney
Betty & Ronald Rosbottom
Stan Rosenberg
Amy Rosenblum
Myra & David Ross
Sara & Gareth Ross
Barbara & Sheldon Rothblatt
David Ruderman
Estate of Carol Rundberg
Joe Russell
Julie Russell
Karen & Benigno Sanchez-Eppler
Austin Sarat & Stephanie Sandler
Susan & Charlie Schiller
Suzanne & Patrick Schilling
Ilana Schoenfeld
Christine & Peter Schrauth
Stephen Schreiber & Jane Thurber
Peggy & Murray Schwartz
Estate of Judith Seelig
Judith Seelig
Peggy Shannon & Nina Dabek
Sharon & Mike Sharry
Erika & Brian Shelburne
Emily & John Silvestro
Nancy Simons
Linda Slakey
Robert Sleigh & Susan Chinman
Lisa Slocum & Chip Weems
Ted & Barbara Slovin
Donald Sluter
Benedict Smar
MC Smedley
Alex Smith
Linda Smith
Sylvia Smith & Susan Crim
Judith Souweine
John Stanne
Pauline Stark
Cindy Stein
Diana Stein
Lynn Stephens
Judy Stern & Laura Wenk
Joel Stevens
Ann A. Stone Bequest
Trudi Goheen Swain
Amy & James Sweeting
Alice Swift
Ralph & Vicki Tate
William & Jane Taubman
Joan Temkin
Bill Tobey
Mary Treyz
Edwin Truman
Ruth Urell & Michael Slaff
Dominick Usher
Karen Utgoff
Chris Vandenberg & Katie Edwards
Estate of John van Steenberg
James & Jane Wald
Baihua Wang
Sandy Ward
Ray & Eve Webster
Linda Wentworth
Juniper Westgate
Constance Wilkins
Jessica & Eric Wilkinson
David & Marion Williams
Cheryl Wilson
Jessica Wolff
Steven & Janis Wolkenbreit
Sara Woodbury & Sid Siff
Anne Woodhull
Kathleen Woods Masalski
Paul Wright
Jiaqing Wu
Rosamond Wulsin & Dennis Szuhay
Anne & Jiuming Ye
James Young & Lisa Ades
Susan Zarchin
Cheryl Zoll & Eric Sawyer
18 donor households choose to be anonymous
American Online Giving Foundation/Benevity
Amherst College
Amherst Insurance Agency
Beveridge Family Foundation Inc
Brock Family Music LLC
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Davis Financial Group, LLC
Florence Bank
Friends of the Jones Libraries
Greenfield Cooperative Bank
Greenfield Savings Bank
Hanley Foundation
Hart and Patterson Financial Group
The Lorber Foundation
Mass Saves
Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners
Massachusetts Cultural Council
National Endowment for the Humanities
Northampton Transmission
Ren's Mobil
Stakeholders Capital
Summerlin Floors
Town of Amherst
US Department of Housing & Urban Development
Vote Yes for Our Library
You’re in good company.
Add your name to this list with your pledge of any amount!
“I feel like the library project is very important to the town of Amherst and the cost needs to be split between the taxes and private contributions. It is a huge undertaking and will not happen without individual support. That’s why I contribute."
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