Ninety-five years old & counting, Jones Library Historic Structures Report

Wednesday, November 1, 2023
“The only library of its kind in the country, and probably the world.” - the Boston Globe, November 1928

When the Jones Library opened its doors almost 95 years ago, the Boston Globe called it “the only library of its kind in the country, and probably the world.” A key feature of the Amherst Central National Historic District, our library building and collections attract researchers from around the globe.

Historic preservation remains a foundational aspect of the Jones Library Building Project. The renovation and expansion plan protects and preserves Amherst history by restoring the original 1928 building and reopening parts of its unique interior currently not open to the public.

Want to learn more about the features and needs of our historic building? The Jones Library Historic Structures report & presentation from January 2022 allow you to read the details, watch the presentation, or simply browse the photos. Have a look!

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