Lithgow benefit brings attention to library renovation and expansion plans

Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Actor John Lithgow stands behind a podium, laughing, holding a white card in his upraised hand
Actor John Lithgow raises his Jones Library Card in celebration of Libraries, the Humanities, and Democracy in General. Photo courtesy of Sharon Sharry.

John Lithgow's appearance on Saturday September 30, 2023 in celebration of Libraries, the Humanities, and Democracy in General, brought many laughs as well as positive attention for plans to renovate and expand the Jones Library.

In addition to his live conversation with Monte Belmonte & Kaliis Smith on NEPM's the Fabulous 413, Lithgow's appearance garnered attention in the local print and television news.

The Amherst Student John Lithgow Speaks at Johnson Chapel Jones Library Fundraiser
WMA News TV Jones Library hosts expansion event with Actor John Lithgow at Amherst College
Daily Hampshire Gazette John Lithgow at Amherst College for Jones Library's Capital Campaign
The Reminder John Lithgow to speak at fundraiser for Amherst Jones Library
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