"Building Screaming for Renovation" John Lithgow visits Amherst

Wednesday, October 4, 2023
During a a tour on before his benefit performance, John Lithgow poses with Jones Library Director Sharon Sharry at a display created in his honor.

In Support of Libraries, the Humanities, and Democracy in General, actor, author, and artist John Lithgow entertained a full house in Amherst College's Johnson Chapel on Saturday night at a benefit for the Jones Library Capital Campaign. In his opening remarks, Lithgow referenced his family connections to Amherst and the many times he has visited town. However, Saturday's tour with Jones Library Director Sharon Sharry was his first time inside the historic building.

“I was really alarmed that this beautiful building, which I know in its day was beautiful inside and out, is now a building that’s absolutely screaming out for renovation," Lithgow said. "And the wonderful news is, its future is in good hands because the people who intend to renovate it know exactly what they’re doing…Even as it is today, this is an extraordinary building.”

After speaking about his support for the renovation and expansion, Lithgow answered questions from the audience, entertained by reading from published essays and satirical poetry along with an acapella rendition of one of his children's songs. The evening ended with a standing ovation, during which Jones Library Trustees President Austin Sarat presented Lithgow with his own Jones Library card.

The event was free to attend, with donations encouraged. Including underwriting support from Five College Credit Union, the event raised over $12,000 for the Jones Library Capital Campaign.

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